
Monday, September 19, 2011

The Dawn of A New Era

Half Life 2: Episode 3
     When you take a a look at the gaming industry over the last few generations, there has been some amazing games and some pretty significant advances in this industry. Key franchises of the past 2 generations (including this one) has some of the most amazing titles such as Portal, Half Life, Uncharted, Mass Effect, and LittleBigPlanet. Games such as Mass Effect, Uncharted, and Half Life, were able to set new standards in storytelling. While games such as Portal, and LittleBigPlanet offers a very unique and creative experience. There has also been some great features for the home consoles as well. Different features such as Microsoft's Xbox Live, and Nintendo's Motion Control, has changed the course of this industry. Whether or not this change would be for the better, is still unknown. Although these changes brings new dimensions in game development, as well as the industry as a whole, I still believe that the best is over the horizon.

     Now take a look at the past two generations in gaming, the level of innovation has surely slowed down and some would even say it has nearly come to a complete halt. When you compare some of the best titles from the last generation, to some of the best from this generation, the major difference from the two is not as significant as it probably should be. Both generations were packed with stellar titles, and both contained online gameplay (though this generation is obviously further along in online integration), and both even contained motion control. So the only major differences from the two that could be considered somewhat significant, would be the visuals. Now compare the last generation to the one before it. The same can be said for those two generations as well, with visuals being the most distinguishable aspect from both generations.

Sony's HMZ T-1 Personal 3D Viewer
    With a new batch of consoles being released, I personally believe that it's about time for this industry to breathe new life. It's time to discontinue this stagnation and begin to promote major innovation. I believe that the advances that technology has made is enormous, and absolutely has to affect the videogame industry sooner or later. With technology such as Sony's HMZ T-1personal 3d viewer emerging, there's bound to be a game changer sometime soon (pun intended). Now if I happen to be incorrect and the next generation only improves in visuals the same way its preceding generations had, then I, as well as various other gamers would be very dissapointed. But lets try to be less pessimistic, and view this industry that we follow with a very intense passion, in a bright and positive light. There are alot of people like myself, who have very creative ideas on the future of gaming. One of my favorite creative, opinionated people with visions of the future of gaming has to be freddiew. He has the skill and the resources, to bring his vision to life without necessarily creating it. So I believe we have something to be very excited for, something that would completely revolutionize the gaming. Ladies and gentlemen don't fret, the dawn of a new era is almost upon us.